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What are immediate dentures?


Immediate dentures are those that are inserted immediately after having teeth extracted, while the patient's mouth is still frozen. This type of denture must be left in the mouth for 48 hours, after which time the denturist will remove and clean the denture, and make any necessary adjustments while the patient rinses for the first time with warm salt water.

Dentures should be worn at all times with the exception of removing them briefly to clean them with a proper denture brush and rinsing the mouth with salt water. Further adjustments of the denture will sometimes be needed over the next several weeks and months as the healing process continues and the gums egin to firm up and shrink.

Usually 6-12 months after an immediate denture has been inserted, a reline will be necessary. Much healing and shrinking will have taken place by this time and the denture will probably feel quite loose. It is normal to require adjustments throughout the healing process.

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